Published April 20, 2021 | Version 1
Book chapter Open

Historic centres of Berat and Ajirokastra, Albania

  • 1. Dipartimento di Architettura, DIDA, Università degli Studi di Firenze


The historic centres of Berat and Gjirokastra, located in central and southern Albania, were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005, thanks to the valuable presence of several remarkable examples of Ottoman-styled houses, and to the integrity of their vernacular urban landscape. This chapter presents the digital survey and some reflections about these places.

The historic centres of Berat and Gjirokastra, located in central and southern Albania, were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005, thanks to the valuable presence of several remarkable examples of Ottoman-styled houses, and to the integrity of their vernacular urban landscape. This chapter presents the digital survey and some reflections about these places.

