Published October 13, 2015 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Used Formal Methods

  • 1. SYSGO AG
  • 2. DFKI
  • 3. Université Paris Sud
  • 4. Thales Communications & Security SA
  • 5. Open University of The Netherlands
  • 6. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  • 1. SYSGO SAS
  • 2. Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz
  • 3. Université Paris Sud
  • 4. Thales Communications & Security SA
  • 5. Open University of The Netherlands
  • 6. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven


This document consists of three chapters:

  • Chapter 1 describes how Isabelle/HOL works and how to use it in a certification processnbsp;in a sound way./li> li>Chapter 2: Style Guide. It describes how to write Isabelle theories so that they are suitablenbsp;for collaborative work and human readers in a certification context./li> li>Chapter 3: Compliance statement. We state how, in the EURO-MILS project, the developednbsp;theories are compliant with (1) and (2)./li> /ul>



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EURO-MILS – EURO-MILS: Secure European Virtualisation for Trustworthy Applications in Critical Domains 318353
European Commission


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