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Published April 29, 2021 | Version 0.2
Software Open

Artifact supplement for R. Andriushchenko et. al. 'PAYNT: A Tool for Inductive Synthesisof Probabilistic Programs', CAV 2021

  • 1. FIT BUT


PAYNT (Probabilistic progrAm sYNThesizer) is a tool for the automated synthesis of probabilistic programs. PAYNT takes a program with holes (a so-called sketch) and a PCTL specification, and outputs a concrete hole assignment that yields a satisfying program, if such an assignment exists. Internally, PAYNT interprets the incomplete probabilistic program as a family of Markov chains and uses state-of-the-art synthesis methods on top of the model checker Storm ( to identify satisfying realization. PAYNT is implemented in python and uses Stormpy (, python bindings for Storm. This repository contains the source code of PAYNT along with adaptations for Storm and Stormpy, prerequisites for PAYNT. PAYNT is hosted on


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