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Published April 26, 2021 | Version v1
Poster Open

Pipe3D, a pipeline for IFS galaxy surveys


We present the most recent results based on Pipe3D, a pipeline tool developed to analysis the spatial resolved stellar population and emission line properties. Previous versions of the pipeline was tested with CALIFA, MaNGA, SAMI and MUSE data (AMUSSING++ compilation), using only one SSP-library (GSD156), and a limited set of emission lines (52 galaxies). We introduce a new version of the code fully re-written in Python, that significantly improves the efficiency. In addition we have included different SSP-library analysis and a new set of emission lines (252 in total). We use this new version to analyze the MPL-10 version of the MaNGA dataset (~9500 galaxies), and we are in the process of reanalyzing the AMUSSING++ compilation (~900 galaxies observed with MUSE).



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