Published April 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Analyzing the Formability of Reinforced Glass Fiber Metal Laminates in Isothermal Conditions

  • 1. Postgraduate Student, Scholl of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology
  • 2. Professor, Scholl of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology
  • 3. Assistant Professor, Scholl of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology


Fiber metal laminates are sandwich materials comprised of altering layers of fiber reinforced composites and metal alloys. These materials can offer superior properties compared to the monolithic constituents such as superior specific strength compared to metals and better impact and fatigue resistance than composite materials. This paper investigates the stamp formability of fiber metal laminates using distinct material based on a reinforced glass fiber metal laminates. Specimens of varying geometry were stretched over a hemispherical punch to elicit different deformation modes in the fiber metal laminates and a non-contact optical measurement system was used to measure the surface strain during deformation. These experiments analyzed the effect of the deformation mode on the formability of the laminates. The results from the experimentation were used to assess the deformation behavior of the fiber- metal laminates and to identify the safe forming limits of the materials.


22. 282-294 Analyzing the Formability of Reinforced Glass Fiber Metal Laminates in Isothermal Conditions.pdf