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Published April 23, 2021 | Version v1
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Soil temperature series in Vallon de Nant catchment, Switzerland

  • 1. IDYST, University of Lausanne, Switzerland


Soil temperature has been recorded continuously at 4 sites in the Vallon de Nant, Switzerland, from July 21st, 2009 to November 16th, 2018. The elevation of the sites ranges between 1240 and 2640 m asl.

All plots are on calcareous bedrock. Dominant species are:
T1: montane forest dominated by Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba in overstorey, Sanicula europaea and Oxalis acetosella in understorey.
T2: mesohygrophilous, subalpine pasture dominated by Carex ferruginea and Alchemilla vulgaris.
T3: lower alpine, mesophilous grassland, dominated by Festuca melanopsis, Sesleria caerulea and Carex ferruginea.
T4: upper alpine grassland, dominaed by Salix herbacea, Salix retusa and Polygonum viviparum.

Measures are realized every hour using a temperature logger GeoPrecision M-Log5W (GeoPrecision GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany) with an accuracy of +/- 0.1°C @0°C. For more information see

Description of files:
- coordinates.csv: elevation and geographic coordinates (in WGS84 and CH1903) of the sites, start and end date of each time series and number of missing points.
- coordinates.xlsx: same file in xlsx format.
- data.csv: timeline (in dd/mm/yyy HH/MM format) and time series of temperatures (in °C) at the 4 sites.
- data.xlsx: same file in xlsx format.
- matlab_data.mat: data in MatLab format with 't' the timeline, 'data' a matrix of 4 columns with temperature data, and 'alt' and 'name' the altitude and name of the 4 points, respectively.
- soil_temperature.png: a plot of the timeseries.
- T1_1240m.jpg: picture of the site T1 in the Vallon de Nant.
- T2_1530m.jpg: picture of the site T2 in the Vallon de Nant.
- T3_2150m.jpg: picture of the site T3 in the Vallon de Nant.
- T4_2650m.jpg: picture of the site T4 in the Vallon de Nant.

Contact: Pascal Vittoz, Institute of Earth surface dynamics, University of Lausanne;




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