Published April 22, 2021 | Version 1.0
Poster Open

Service Design: How Improving Research Data Management Services Increases Research Data Quality

  • 1. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Attention is often focused on ways in which researchers can be supported in improving their data quality, however, it is also important to understand the crucial impact of the RDM services themselves on ensuring the overall quality of research data [1].  Research data services can be defined as any measure to support or facilitate RDM; this can include RDM training, guidance for data management plans, or information on storage, curation, and metadata [2], or advice on ethical and legal issues, the FAIR principles, or licensing. There is evidence to suggest that by utilising approaches from IT Management e.g. ITIL and maturity models, RDM service providers can cooperatively adapt to the RDM requirements of their researchers, and analyse, further develop, and sustainably modify their services [3].

Using the analogy of building plans, this poster will outline each of the four main stages and potential outcomes of integrating maturity models and IT Management techniques into the organisation of RDM Services, as well as the methodology the FDNext project will use to support these developments. First, analysis which involves gaining an understanding of both the RDM needs of researchers and the possible RDM services that can be provided. Secondly, assess which requires service providers to undertake a self-assessment of their institution in order to see possible connections and collaborations. Thirdly, adapt which is a process of consolidating RDM services according to an RDM strategy through shared services e.g. Library and IT departments offering training on archiving. Fourthly, sustain which is the building of a long-term user-led sustainable RDM service infrastructure and network.

The FDNext project will support each of these steps and create free and openly available tools for use by RDM service providers. The FDNext project will analyse the current landscape in German-speaking universities and research institutions, as well as previous efforts to create RDM service portfolios. The culmination of this work will an openly available, reusable reference model which will allow institutions to create their own RDM service portfolios.

[1] RfII–German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures: Building Sustainable Data Services. (2020). RfII Discussion Paper on the Enhancement of Research Data Infrastructures, Göttingen, 6 p.

[2] Fearon, D., Gunia, B., Pralle, B.E., Lake, S., & Sallans, A. L., (2013). Research data management services. SPEC Kit 334. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries. doi:10.29242/spec.334

[3] Wannemacher, Klaus, et al., editors, (2008). ITIL Goes University? Serviceorientiertes IT-Management an Hochschulen. Konzepte Und Erste Praxiserfahrungen. HIS.


Poster and rapid speed talk presented at the 16th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) on April 19th, 2021. The FDNext project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the project number 429828830.


FDNext-Poster_Service Providers_HU.pdf

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