Published April 21, 2021 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Austrian SARS-CoV-2 clusters with in-school transmissions

  • 1. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Vienna, Austria


This datasets contains analysis of Austrian SARS-CoV-2 clusters with in-school transmissions between calendar week 36 and 45, in 2020 as of 22.12.2020. A cluster is defined as a group of at least two cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which were epidemiologically linked as an infector (i.e. source case) and an infectee (i.e. successive case). A school cluster includes at least one infectee generated by in-school transmission. The source case of the in-school transmission(s), a teacher-source case or a student-source case, occurs in any other setting, such as household, work place, leisure activity, or in an unknown setting. For identifying the source case and successive cases, we used information on disease onset and possibly contagious interactions within 14 days prior to disease onset. These data derived from standardised case-interviews performed by the responsible public health authorities.

The data was used for calibrating an agent-based epidemiological model (Link).

Datasets inlcuded are:

includes data on students and teachers (person_group) by schooltype: number of cluster source cases (n_source_cases) and number of cases (n_cases)

includes data of students and teachers (person_group) by age: number of cases per age-group (n_cases) and number of asymptomatic cases per age-group (n_asymptomatic)

includes data on cluster size including the source case (cluster_size) by schooltype: number of clusters (n_clusters)


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