Published April 21, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
Notes on a small collection of Prioninae from North-East Madagascar with the description of a new Schizodontus Quentin & Villiers, 1974 (Cerambycidae Closterini)
- 1. Rue Genot 57, B-4032, Chênée, Belgium.
- 2. O. D. Taxonomy and Phylogeny-Entomology, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Vautierstreet 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
- 3. The Peregrine Fund Madagascar, PO Box 4113, Antananarivo, Madagascar.
- 4. Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation (BINCO) NPO, Walmersumstraat 44, B-3380 Glabbeek, Belgium.
- 5. Komenskeho 4440, CZ-430 03 Chomutov, Czech Republic. & School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. & BirdLife South Africa, Centre for Biodiversity Conservation, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa.;
- 6. O. D. Taxonomy and Phylogeny-Entomology, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Vautierstreet 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium. & Aquatic and terrestrial Ecology (ATECO), Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Vautierstreet 29, B-1000 Brussels Belgium.
Bouyer, Thierry, Drumont, Alain, Roland, Lily-Arison Rene De, Slootmaekers, Dan, Pirkl, Jiri, Jocque, Merlijn (2021): Notes on a small collection of Prioninae from North-East Madagascar with the description of a new Schizodontus Quentin & Villiers, 1974 (Cerambycidae Closterini). Zootaxa 4964 (1): 188-194, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4964.1.11
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- Mittermeier, J.C., Wright, D.R., Armand, B., Colyn, R., Gardner, B., Jocque, M., Kemp L., Slootmaekers, D. & Rene de Roland, LA. (2020) A rapid avifaunal survey of the Mahimborondro Protected Area, northern Madagascar. Malagasy NatureI, 14, 44-56.
- Quentin, R.M. & Villiers, A. (1974) Revision des Closterini de Madagascar (Col., Cerambycidae Prioninae). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 10, 249-341.
- Quentin, R.M. & Villiers, A. (1975) Faune de Madagascar, volume 40: Insectes Coleopteres Cerambycidae - Parandrinae et Prioninae. ORSTOM & CNRS, Paris. pp. 251.
- Tavakilian, G. & Chevillotte, H. (2020) Titan: base de donnees internationales sur les Cerambycidae ou Longicornes. Version 4.0. Available form: (website consulted on 28 March 2020)