Published June 4, 2014 | Version GHRSST Document Reference CDR-TAG_CDAF v 1.0.5,  4 June 2014
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Climate Data Assessment Framework


The GHRSST Climate Data Assessment Framework (CDAF) provides authoritative, comparable information about GHRSST datasets that allows users to make their own judgement on the suitability of SST datasets for use as Climate Data Records (CDRs) in their applications. The CDAF is described in the present report, produced by the GHRSST CDR-Technical Advisory Group.

The CDAF is split into four main sections:

  1.  Basic information
  2.  Assessment information
  3.  Review of information
  4.  Approval and publication of information

The CDAF Task Team (TT) provides a community accessible tool which facilitates the production of the CDAF metrics (section 2 above) so helping producers provide the requisite information to the CDAF. The TT provides an easy-to-use support tool based on open source resources. The tool supports users of SST datasets, enabling them to understand the suitability of GHRSST datasets for use as CDRs. The datasets are required to be in GDS2.0 format and available for a minimum 10 year time period.

The tool and product summaries will be hosted in a web resource. The users, after downloading the tool, will use their own resources to run Python notebook.



The GHRSST Project Office is funded by the European Union (European Commission, EUMETSAT, Copernicus). Web: Follow us on Twitter:



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