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Published May 22, 2021 | Version compsciclub2021
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Graphs, Computation, and Language

  • 1. Yandex


Graphs and networks offer a convenient way to study systems around us, including such complex ones as human language. Graph-based representations are proven to be a practical approach for a wide variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks.

This course has five lectures on Language Graphs, Graph Clustering, Graph Embeddings, Evaluation, and Crowdsourcing. They elaborately go through the corresponding algorithms step-by-step and suggest important linguistic datasets. The target audience of this course is advanced graduate students, data analysts, and researchers in NLP and IR (but it is not limited to them).

The course is held online in Spring 2021 at Computer Science Club in Saint Petersburg, Russia:

Lectures are in Russian, but the slides are in English.



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