Published April 17, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Global Scenarios of Resource and Emission Savings from Material Efficiency in Residential Buildings and Cars

  • 1. University of Freiburg, Germany
  • 2. Center for Industrial Ecology, School of the Environment, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
  • 3. School of Sustainability, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel
  • 4. Industrial Ecology Program, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
  • 5. Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


This dataset contains the full results of a scenario analysis for the impact of material efficiency on material use, energy consumption, and GHG emissions for passenger vehicles and residential buildings with global scope.

The results were generated with v2.4 of the ODYM-RECC model (open dynamic material systems model for the resource efficiency and climate change mitigation project), which is a modular depiction of major end-use sectors and the material cycles for the climate-relevant bulk materials ( Its system definition comprises the use phase of materials (in products) and the material cycle stages mining, primary production, manufacturing, waste management and scrap recovery, and remelting/recycling as well as an energy supply scenario.
ODYM-RECC generates a set of what-if scenarios for the climate-relevant end-use sectors and bulk material cycles against different socioeconomic, technology deployment, and climate policy backgrounds. It does so by applying a mass-balanced framework for the material cycles. It allows us to study the impacts of a broad spectrum of sustainable development strategies on the material cycles and identify trade-offs and constraints. It does not assess the likelihood of realisation of any of the scenarios studied but checks if mass balance constraints (e.g. by long product lifetimes or limited scrap supply) render some scenarios unfeasible from a material cycle point of view.



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