Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
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FIG. 3 in Anatomy of Haplomastodon chimborazi (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from the late Pleistocene of Ecuador and its bearing on the phylogeny and systematics of South American gomphotheres


FIG. 3. — Haplomastodon chimborazi (Proaño,1922) from Q.Pistud, Bolivar,Ecuador, skull (MECN 82): A, cranium, anterior view;B, cranium (cast),antero-dorsal view (tusks have been removed);C, cranium and mandible, posterior view; D, cranium (cast),ventral view.Abbreviations used in Figures 3-5: eam, external acustic meatus; ena, external nasal aperture; FR, frontal; id, incisura dentalis; if, infraorbital foramen; inf, incisive fossa; ipm, infraorbital process of maxillary; MX, maxillary; M2, second upper molar; M3 third upper molar; mf, mandibular fossa; NA, nasal; nc, nuchal crest; nf, nuchal fossa; npp, nasal process of premaxillary; o,opening on the internal lateral face of the nasal aperture, leading to perinasal fossae; OC, occipital; occ, occipital condyle; PA, parietal; PM, premaxillary; ppf, post-orbital process of frontal; snf, subnasal fossa; TE, temporal; zpm, zygomatic process of maxillary; zpt, zygomatic process of temporal. Scale bar: 10 cm.


Published as part of Ferretti, Marco P., 2010, Anatomy of Haplomastodon chimborazi (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from the late Pleistocene of Ecuador and its bearing on the phylogeny and systematics of South American gomphotheres, pp. 663-721 in Geodiversitas 32 (4) on page 674, DOI: 10.5252/g2010n4a3,



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