There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 14, 2021 | Version v.1.2.8
Software Open


  • 1. Ginkgo Bioworks
  • 2. Harvard Chan School of Public Health
  • 3. @CenterForMedicalGeneticsGhent
  • 4. @hsph-qbrc
  • 5. University of Melbourne
  • 6. Lund University Cancer Center
  • 7. @populationgenomics
  • 8. @iZettle
  • 9. Science for Life Laboratory
  • 10. AstraZeneca
  • 11. startup
  • 12. The University of Melbourne
  • 13. Recurse Center
  • 14. University of Rostock
  • 15. Aalborg University
  • 16. @tss-yonder
  • 17. Serqet Therapeutics
  • 18. University of Utrecht
  • 19. @related-sciences
  • 20. HSPH
  • 21. @signaturescience


  • Set ENCODE library complexity flags properly for ChIP-seq. Thanks to @mistrm82.
  • Fix greylisted peaks not being propagated to the output directory. Thanks to @mistrm82.
  • Better error message when no sample barcodes are found for single-cell RNA-seq.
  • Better trimming for 2 wgbs kits
  • enable setting parameters for deduplicate_bismark
  • custom threading for bismark via yaml
  • reproducible WGBS user story with the data from Encode
  • While consensus peak calling, keep the highest scoring peak instead of calling the summit for the highest scoring peak and expanding the peak to 250 bases.
  • Enable consensus peak calling for broad peaks. Thanks to @mistrm82 and @yoonsquared for pointing out this was missing.
  • Re-enable ATAC-seq tests, they work now.
  • svprioritize for mm10
  • purecn_Dx.R - mutational signatures - still requires a manual update of deconstructsigs or release of it
  • make sure purecn uses sv_regions bed to call variants
  • fix misleading disambiguation fastqc read statistics (total, hg38, mm10)
  • wgbs: nebemseq kit: add --maxins 1000 and --local to bismark align
  • WGBS: sorted indexed deduplicated bam for ready.bam
  • print error message when aligner: false and hla typing is on
  • make sure that mark_duplicates is false with collapsed UMI input



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