Published March 17, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Philodoria obamaorum Kobayashi, Johns & Kawahara, sp. n.


Philodoria obamaorum Kobayashi, Johns & Kawahara, sp. n.

Figs. 19C–E, 27K–M, 50C, D, 51B, 52B, 59C, D, 63C–G.

Gracilaria neraudicola Swezey, 1920: 385–386.

Parectopa neraudicola Swezey, 1920; Swezey 1928: 191.

Philodoria neraudicola (Swezey, 1920); Zimmerman 1978a: 689, figs. 449, 458.

Philodoria sp. 16; Johns et al. 2018, fig. 2.

Type locality. Pahoa (Big Island).

Etymology. The specific epithet, obamaorum, is named after Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th president of the United States, born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and his wife, First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama. They have have continued to support nature conservation efforts in Hawaii. Following recommendation 31.1.2. of the International Code of Zoological nomenclature (ICZN, 1999) the specific name is treated as a noun in the genitive plural case.

Type material. Holotype ♂, Pahoa, Puna, Hawaii (Big Island), 20.ix.1918, O.H. Swezey, host: Pipturus albidus in USNM. Paratype 14 (4♂, 3♀, 7 sex unknown): 1♂, 1♀, same locality and data as holotype, SK 710♀, in USNM; 3♂, 2♀, 2 (sex unknown), S. of Hilo, Hawaii, 25.vii.1921, Swezey coll., Pipturus 34248, SK709♂, BPBM34242, no. 4257 |Z-1-26-61(3) ♂, Z-V-18- 61♀; 2 (sex unknown), Judd Trail, Hawaii, 13& 14.viii.1919, OHS, Pipturus, BPBM 34251, BPBM34252.

Additional material. 4 (1♂, 3♀) 1♂, 2♀, Mauna Ulu Havo, Hawaii, 21.v.2015 (stored), C.A. Johns leg., host: Pipturus sp., 3.v.2015, CJ423 / SK 844♀, 403M / SK736♂, 403O(b-2) / SK 739♀ in BPBM; 1♀, Upper Hamakua Ditch trail, Hawaii, 15.v.2016 em., C.L.-Vaamonde & C. Doorenweerd leg., host: Pipturus sp., 24.iv.2016 (cocoon), CLV0017, SK 823♀ in BPBM; 2♀, Puu Makkaala Natural Reserve, Hawaii, (stored), C.A. Johns leg., host: Pipturus sp. (B), 25.v.2015, CJ423 / SK 844♀, CJ 427 in BPBM. In NHMUK: 1♂, Hawaii 2800’, Kau District, Ocean View,, K. & E. Sattler, B.M.1976-605, Philodoria sp. 25 cf marginestrigata (Hawaii) Sattler Coll., D.C. Lees Sep. 2016, BMNH(E)1621262; 1♀, Hawaii 1300’, S. Hilo District, Upper Waiakea F. R., Stainback Highway, 12.vii.1976, K. & E. Sattler, B.M.1976-605, Philodoria sp. 21 (Hawaii) Sattler Coll., D.C. Lees Sep. 2016, BMNH(E)1621128.

Diagnosis. Distinguished from P. neraudicola by having a triangular white patch at 3/4 and two white dorsal streaks that are nearly the same width as in the forewing (Fig. 19C, D); saccus and coecum half the length of those of P. neraudicola (Figs. 51B, 52B).

Description: Adult (Fig. 19C–E). Wingspan 7.5 mm in holotype, 7.0– 7.5 mm in paratype; forewing length 3.3, 3,4 mm in holotype, 3.0– 3.5 mm in paratype. Head creamy white; frons white mixed with fuscous scales; maxillary palpus white mixed with fuscous scales; labial palpus white, median joint fuscous at apex, terminal joint with fuscous band at middle and at apex. Antenna brownish, basal segment white. Thorax brownish fuscous, pale in middle and posteriorly. Forewing brownish fuscous with white patches: two outwardly-curved white dorsal streaks: ds 1 at 1/4, slightly widened at base, ds 2 at 1/2, almost same width; a triangular white patch ( ds 3 ) at 3/4, not reaching the middle of wing; a white slender outwardly-oblique cs 3 at 3/5; all streaks and patch margined with a few black scales; apical portion orangish ocherous; a round black as with a few pale blue scales, a few pale blue scales between this spot and ds 3 ; cilia brown with three white costal spots; apical and terminal cilia paler near base with black dl 1 , tornal cilia very paler at apex. Hindwing and cilia pale brown. Abdomen pale brownish, white below. Legs ocherous, anterior and middle tibiae fuscous, and middle and posterior tarsi fuscous.

Male genitalia (Figs. 50C, D, 51B, 52B, 63E, F) (n=3). Capsule 700 µm. Tegumen 0.9 x length of valva; valva 480–500 µm long, tapering along costal margin from 2/5 to apex, similar to P. neraudicola (Fig. 50C, D). Saccus rather short and pointed at apex in ventral view (Fig. 51B). Phallus 520 µm long and nearly straight with developed coecum; two series of minute cornuti in vesica (Fig. 52B).

Female genitalia (Figs. 59C, D, 63C) (n=5). Similar to P. neraudicola. 890–1180 µm long. Lamella antevaginalis 200 µm. Corpus bursae 570 µm.

Distribution. Hawaii (Big Island).

Host plants. Urticaceae: Pipturus albidus A.Gray ex H.Mann (Swezey 1920), and Pipturus sp.

Biology. C.L.-Vaamonde and C. Doorenweerd collected larvae from leaves of Pipturus species in 2016. Larvae formed blotch mines and made six cocoons on the adaxial leaf surface; the orange oval cocoon is 6.0 mm in length and 2.5 mm in width. Two adults emerged from the cocoons, one was P. obamaorum and another P. floscula Walsingham.

Remarks. This species and other Pipturus miners occur together on Hawaii (Big Island). It is unclear which species of Pipturus these moths were on at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, the site that was surveyed in 2016. Some Philodoria species may prefer certain species of Pipturus, but the determination of host preference is impeded by the unsettled taxonomy of this host plant genus. Future studies of these moths should focus on rearing different species of Philodoria from Pipturus to understand host plant specificity.


Published as part of Kobayashi, Shigeki, Johns, Chris A. & Kawahara, Akito Y., 2021, Revision of the Hawaiian endemic leaf-mining moth genus Philodoria Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): its conservation status, host plants and descriptions of thirteen new species, pp. 1-175 in Zootaxa 4944 (1) on pages 86-87, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4944.1.1,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1918-09-20 , 1919-08-14 , 1921-07-25
Material sample ID
BPBM34242 , BPBM34252
Scientific name authorship
Kobayashi, Johns & Kawahara
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1918-09-20 , 1919-08-14 , 1921-07-25
Taxonomic concept label
Philodoria obamaorum Kobayashi, Johns & Kawahara, 2021


  • Swezey, O. H. (1920) Some new Hawaiian Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 4 (2), 376 - 386. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 16149
  • Swezey, O. H. (1928) Some new species of lepidopterous leaf-miners in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 7 (1), 187 - 191.
  • Zimmerman, E. C. (1978 a) Gracillarioidea. In: Microlepidoptera. Part 1. Insects of Hawaii, Vol. 9. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, pp. 644 - 718.
  • Johns, C. A., Toussaint, E. F. A., Breinholt, J. W. & Kawahara, A. Y. (2018) Origin and macroevolution of micro-moths on sunken Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285, 20181047. https: // doi. org / 10.1098 / rspb. 2018.1047
  • ICZN (1999) International code of zoological nomenclature. Fourth Edition. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, 306 pp.