Published April 12, 2021 | Version v1
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Rethinking structural case: Partitive case in Sakha

  • 1. Rutgers University
  • 2. Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


The Sakha language has a special partitive case used only on nonspecific direct
objects in imperative sentences. This is neither a canonical structural case, nor a
canonical inherent case. We show that its basic properties can be explained within
a configurational case theory by assuming that partitive is unmarked case assigned
to any NP within the VP complement of v imp , a special v head found only in the
scope of imperative (Jussive) heads and a few semantical similar items. This theory
is briefly contrasted with one in which partitive is assigned by agreement with a
special v, and one in which partitive is the feature V copied onto a nearby NP.




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978-3-96110-308-9 (ISBN)
10.5281/zenodo.4680264 (DOI)