Quantum information teleportation between cells and microbes through biological molecules, spinning micro-bubbles, quantum particles and gravitational micro/nano wormholes
Biological systems like cells, bacteria, chloroplasts and other micro-organisms could exchange quantum particles like electrons, photons and gravitational waves and have large distant information teleportation. This is because that their DNAs and membranes are formed from quantum particles like electrons and protons and by their motions, some currents and waves are emerged. For example, some signatures of this quantum teleportation could be seen in biological lines which are emerged near the plant cell walls or gates or close to chloroplasts. Chloroplasts shoot some spinors which maybe confined within the microbubbles or absorb by microbes. These bubbles and microbes may join to each other and form some biological lines which may be strengthen from a plant cell to another. These biological lines could be seen near the plant cell walls or on a metal which connects two parts of a leaf. Some another signature of quantum photon exchange could be seen between microbes under the objective lenses and macro-objects on the eye lenses. It seems that as microscope make big images from microbes for us, produce small pictures of macro-objects for microbes such as they could diagnose them and interact. Also, by a multi-gonal lamp, one can induce multi-gonal shape within the micro-bubbles and build multi-gonal colonies of microbes and micro-bubbles on a metal-glass slide. Another main signature of quantum teleportation could be observed in gravitational holes which are emerged by increasing concentration of microbes and heavy cells in some points. These holes absorb microbes and micro-bubbles and conduct them to the heavy cells. Usually, there are some while holes near these holes which as a proposal, one can assume that they are another end of gravitational holes and emit photons which are entered from another end.
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