Published April 6, 2021 | Version v3.7.3
Software Open

hpcng/singularity: Singularity 3.7.3

  • 1. Singularity Labs
  • 2. Facebook
  • 3. @sylabs
  • 4. Sylabs Inc


Singularity 3.7.3 is a security release. We recommend all users upgrade to this version.

Security Related Fixes
  • CVE-2021-29136: A dependency used by Singularity to extract docker/OCI image layers can be tricked into modifying host files by creating a malicious layer that has a symlink with the name "." (or "/"), when running as root. This vulnerability affects a singularity build or singularity pull as root, from a docker or OCI source.
Thanks / Reporting Bugs

Thanks to our contributors for code, feedback and, testing efforts!

As always, please report any bugs to:

If you think that you've discovered a security vulnerability please report it to:

Have fun!


Please use the singularity-3.7.3.tar.gz download below to obtain and install Singularity 3.7.3. The GitHub auto-generated 'Source Code' downloads do not include required dependencies etc.



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