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Published April 3, 2021 | Version v1
Poster Open

Quick identification guide to the subterranean fauna of the cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula


This publication was made with the funding of PAPIIT IN222716 "Biodiversity and Ecology of the fauna of Yucatán cenotes" and PAPIIT 2019 - IN228319 "Hacia un mapa de biodiversidad acuática de cenotes de la península de Yucatán" led by N. S. D. F. A is grateful for the grant received from "DGAPA-UNAM Programa de Becas Posdoctorales en la UNAM 2020".

Web page of the research group "Cenoteando" of the UNAM UMDI-Sisal:

This publication is translated into Spanish and Mayan

