Published April 2, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Δυσλεξία: Διαγνωστική και θεραπευτική

  • 1. University of Macedonia


  • 1. University of the Aegean


Dyslexia is the extreme difficulty in reading, spelling, and writing, especially in transferring thought to writing. The above problems are not due to mental or psychological-environmental-educational factors, but to neurological and usually hereditary causes. Dyslexics read extremely slowly and with many errors. They often skip lines, repeat, add or remove syllables, or replace words to such an extent that sometimes they see another word and read another. They perform much better orally than in writing. That is why they are examined orally. Their mental capacity is superior to that shown by their school performance, which is heterogeneous. In addition, dyslexics are doing many grammatical errors, sticking to words, omitting punctuation marks and forgetting to put tones. They also have problems with memorization, sometimes in mathematics, and have particularly significant problems with foreign languages. They usually excel in practical lessons and fail in theory. Rarely will dyslexia be found without problems like attention deficit, impulsivity and hyperactivity. They think mainly with images. The diagnosis of dyslexia is based on psychological and educational tests. Dyslexia and attention deficit disorder usually have a genetic cause and therefore exist from birth. Therefore, prognosis in preschool through genetic-biological tests is possible and desirable through tests that are not based on reading and spelling, e.g. with our objective-biological eye movement test which proved to be extremely accurate for both prognosis of dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder.


Dyslexia: Diagnosis and Treatment


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