Published April 30, 2005 | Version v1
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Figure 15 in New contributions to the marine benthic ciliates from the Antarctic area, including description of seven new species (Protozoa, Ciliophora)


Figure 15. Photomicrographs of (A–I, N) Metaurostylopsis rubra, (P) Holosticha sp. and (J–M, O) Thigmokeronopsis magna nov spec. after protargol impregnation. (A) Ventral view of anterior portion in late divisional stage; (B) to show the macronuclei in replication stage (arrow marks the replication band); (C, D) detailed portion of the opisthe, black arrows in (C) and (D) indicate the fronto-terminal cirri; white arrow in (D) points to the ventral row; (E, F) buccal field, white arrow in (E) marks the fronto-terminal row, while double-arrowheads indicate the buccal cirrus; black arrow in (F) points to the long fronto-terminal row; (G, H) ventral view of proter, arrow in (G) marks the fronto-terminal cirral row; (I) ventral view, to show the general pattern of ventral, marginal and transverse cirri; (J) portion of dorsal side, to show the dorsal kineties (arrowheads); (K) ventral view, to show the thigmotactic area, note that the cirri are densely but irregularly arranged (arrows); (L) ventral view of caudal part, arrow indicates the transverse cirri; (M) ventral view of buccal region, white arrow indicates the two fronto-terminal cirri, whereas the black one marks the distal end of adoral zone of membranelles; (N) ventral view in a late divider, to show the newly formed transverse cirri (arrows); (O) to show the fibres connecting to the marginal cirri; (P) dorsal view, to show the large extrusomes (arrowheads).


Published as part of Wilbert, Norbert & Song, Weibo, 2005, New contributions to the marine benthic ciliates from the Antarctic area, including description of seven new species (Protozoa, Ciliophora), pp. 935-973 in Journal of Natural History 39 (13) on page 965, DOI: 10.1080/00222930400001509,



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