Published April 2, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

СИНОНІМІЧНІ ВИСЛОВЛЕННЯ З НЕДОСТАТНІСТЮ ВИРАЖЕННЯ (на матеріалі французької художньої прози ХХ століття)


The synonymic utterances with the insufficiency of expression in inter- and intraco(n)texts (distant and contact linguistic and situational contexts) are considered in this research as virtual (linguistic) synonymic transforms of the primary (pivotal) structure actualized in the form of ludic compressed (most often elliptic) grammaticalized (conventional in language and in discourse) and typical (conventional in discourse but non-conventional in language) and atypical (nonconventional in language and in discourse) agrammaticalized preferential options. In the process of choosing and realization of these structures the author comes into linguistic game using the strategies of the complication of the interpretation of the information according to some communicative intention or the pragmatic planning of the narration. The addressee implicated in the recipient’s linguistic game interiorizes the exteriorized constructions with insufficiency of expression but he is defeated in the bilateral game because of the impossibility of the inverse (discourse → language) reconstruction of the virtual primary structure.



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