Efficiency of "lean management" application in business processes management of refrigeration equipment supply chain during the COVID crisis
The article reveals the main trends in the functioning of global supply chains in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on the activities of Ukrainian enterprises are identified. It is noted that the closure of borders between countries and the introduction of self-isolation regime caused a significant reduction in production capacity and the volume of international trade. Global supply chains have become very vulnerable and necessitate their revision and the search for alternative ways to deliver goods to end users. Since Ukraine is a country with an open market economy, this article summarizes the main challenges for import-dependent supply chains and makes proposals on ways to overcome them. The expediency of applying the concept of Lean-management in business processes management of refrigeration supply chains during a pandemic as a means of overcoming crisis situations and ensuring sustainable development are proved. The dynamics and structure analysis of the company LLC "Holod Engineering" income and expenses allowed to establish a tendency to reduce the profitability of the company's business and capital turnover, as well as increase the share of logistics costs in the production costs. The greatest impact on the growth of logistics costs have the inventory costs due to the processes of storage and orders completion and delivery delays, which lead to customer dissatisfaction and complaints. Methodical approaches to estimating the level of processes coordination in the supply chains of refrigeration equipment, calculation of supply lots optimal parameters, levels of raw materials and components stocks, production and storage capacity rationalization of the enterprise are substantiated. With the help of Shewhart's control charts, the coordination of business processes in the equipment supply chains were assessed and the sources of potential losses were identified. The technological and logistics processes optimization in terms of their cost, duration and quality of results takes into account not only individual processes of enterprises, but also interprocess connections between supply chain links. It is proposed to implement a number of organizational measures using the concept of lean management, which involves market integration, production process, procurement and sales in order to provide a high level of customer service. The efficiency of the proposed organizational changes and their impact on business profitability, inventory turnover, the amount of logistics costs and the quality of customer service are determined.
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