Published April 2, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open



The article deals with the implicitness phenomenon which is differently defined by various scholars .The researchers say about implicit information, implicit content and implicit language units.
The purpose of this work is to reveal and to describe the means of implicit information realization in the poem by M. Rachlina «Krug». The analysis of this text demonstrates that the verbs selection which represent the same aspect and tense form (present tense imperfective aspect, 1st person singular: I learn, I rush about, I race) and infinitive selection form the morphological dominant of the text and carry the supplementary implicit sense, implicit biography information about author’s professional activity in particular. The way to realize implicit information in this poem is also the selection of verbs which are exceptions and it points out the school rhythm of author’s life. One more means of implicit information realization is the juxtaposition of a noun form in the circle and the finite verb form I turn round which emphasizes the style of life and author’s occupation.
In this work the term «poetic philology» is used. According to O.O. Skorobogatova, who takes into consideration the definition given by JA.I. Hin, it denotes the ability of literary means to reveal and to point out the particular linguistic patterns. In this poem the repetition of the verb form I learn and the infinitives concentration emphasize the meaning potential of aspect and tense categories and the lack of them in infinite verb forms.


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  • Arnold, I.V. (1982). Implikatsiya kak priyem postroyeniya teksta i predmet filologicheskogo izucheniya. Voprosy yazykoznaniya. № 4.S. 83-91.
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  • Kovtunova, I.I. (1986). Poeticheskiy sintaksis. Moscow. Nauka. 206 s. [in Russian].
  • Skorobogatova, E.A. (2019). Onimnyye pary v lirike Mariny Tsvetayevoy: k voprosu o poeticheskoy filologii. Russkaya filologiya. Vestnik Kharkovskogo natsionalnogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni G.S. Skovorody. № 1(67). S. 3-9 [in Ukrainian].