Published March 28, 2021 | Version v1
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GBD-MAPS-Global: Analysis Input Dataset

  • 1. Washington University in St. Louis
  • 2. University of British Columbia
  • 3. SERC
  • 4. Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation
  • 5. Dalhousie University


This dataset contains Input Data used in the analysis scripts package ( for the 2021 Global Burden of Disease - Major Air Pollution Sources (GBD-MAPS) - Global study.

This analysis is described in the following article:
McDuffie, E. E., Martin, R. V., Spadaro, J. V., Burnett, R., Smith, S. J., O'Rourke, P., Hammer, M., van Donkelaar, A., Bindle, L., Shah, V., Jaegle, L., Luo, G., Yu, F., Adeniran, J., Lin, J., Brauer, M. Source Sector and Fuel Contributions to Ambient PM2.5 Attributable Mortality Across Multiple Spatial Scales, Nature Communications, 12, 3594 (2021).

Input Data File Descriptions: - GBD Baseline Mortality Data and GBD and GEMM PM2.5 Relative Risk Curves
     CoExposure_Factors.csv - 
          co-exposure factors to differentiate household and ambient PM2.5 exposures
     GBD19_[year]_Base_Mortality_[disease].csv - 
          2019 Global Burden of Disease national level baseline mortality data (units: # of deaths) as a function
          of each disease for 2017 and 2019
     GBD19_[year]_Baseline_Mortality_[Lower/Upper]_[disease].csv -
           2019 Global Burden of Disease national level baseline mortality data, 95% Confidence Interval Upper
           and Lower bounds (units: # of deaths), as a function of each disease for 2017 and 2019
     MRBRT_[disease].csv -
          Relative Risk factors from the 20109 Global Burden of Disease from COPD, Type II Diabetes, IHD,
          Lung Cancer, Stroke, LRI, Low Birth Weight, and PreTerm Births, as a function PM2.5 concentration.
          Correspond to RR* values in Eq. (1) in McDuffie et al., (2021)
          (correspond to data in the MRBRT_PM25.csv file)
     MRBRT_PM25.csv -
          PM2.5 concentrations that correspond to the MRBRT relative risk curves (units: µg m-3)
     GEMM_[disease].csv -
          Relative risk curves from the updated Global Exposure Mortality Model (GEMM) from COPD, Type II
          Diabetes, IHD, Lung Cancer, Stroke, LRI, Low Birth Weight, and PreTerm Births, as a function of PM2.5   
          Correspond to RR* values in Eq. (1) in McDuffie et al., (2021)
          (correspond to data in the GEMM_PM25.csv file)
     GEMM_PM25.csv - 
          PM2.5 concentrations that correspond to the GEMM relative risk curves (units: µg m-3)

Coordinates.mat - MATLAB files that contains the latitude and longitude values that correspond to different global grids - high resolution gridded PM2.5 exposure estimates
     README.txt -
          describes how to calculate the downscaled PM2.5 exposure estimates used the in the disease burden
     GBDMAPS_DS_Results.mat -
          MATLAB data file containing the gridded ~1x1 km downscaled PM2.5 data product for 2017
     GBDMAPS_DS_Results_2019.mat -
          MATLAB data file containing the gridded ~1x1 km downscaled PM2.5 data product for 2019 -
gridded masks that correspond to individual regions, countries, and urban areas (=1 in area, =0 outside of area)
     City_Masks_0.10.mat -
          MATLAB cell array that contains 0.1ºx0.1º gridded mask for all 200 urban areas
     City_Masks_[urban area]_0.01.mat -
          MATLAB array that contains 0.01ºx0.01º gridded mask for the specified urban area. 
     GBD_Country_Masks_0.10.mat -
          MATLAB cell array that contains 0.1ºx0.1º gridded masks for all 204 countries
     GBD_Country_Masks_[country]_0.01.mat -
          MATLAB array that contains 0.01ºx0.1º gridded mask for the specified country
     GBD_Region_Masks_0.10.mat -
          MATLAB cell array that contains 0.1ºx0.1º gridded masks for all 21 world regions
     GBD_Region_Masks_[region]_0.01.mat -
          MATLAB array that contains 0.01ºx0.01º gridded mask for the specified region
     City masks are derived from shapefiles available at:
     Country and Region masks are derived from country shapefiles from the GBD, as well as the GBD country
     region classifications - gridded world population data
     README.txt -
          describes the global gridded population data needed to run the analysis scripts
     [year]-0.01.h5 -
          HDF file with 0.01ºx0.01º global gridded population data for the years 2017 and 2019
     [year]-0.1.h5 -
          HDF file with 0.1ºx0.1º global gridded population data for the years 2017 and 2019
     Gridded population data are from the Gridded Population of the World Version 4 from NASA
     Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)



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