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Published March 28, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

The Application of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's Education Trilogy in peer tutor based online learning to improve student activity and learning outcomes

  • 1. Javanese Language Education of Graduate School, State University of Yogyakarta


This study aims to determine the effect of applying the Ki Hadjar Dewantara Education Trilogy concept with the Peer Teaching learning method in increasing student activity and learning outcomes in Javanese language subjects at SMKN 3 Malang. It was done on the Basic Competencies of Javanese Community Life Cycle Ceremony using Google Class and Whatsaap media group. The research object was 80 students of class XII SMKN 3 Malang, which were divided into three classes. The research method used is Classroom Action Research with four research stages: planning, implementing the action, observation, and reflection. The systematic implementation of this research used two cycles. The aspects studied include student activities and learning outcomes. The results showed: (1) the increase in the average student activity increased by 20.73%, namely in cycle one it reached 67.79% to 88.52% in cycle 2, (2) the cognitive learning outcomes obtained by students increased from cycle 1 to cycle two learning completeness in the pretest cycle one reached KKM 70 as much as 32.35%, in the post-test cycle one it reached 91.18%, while the learning completeness in the pretest cycle 2 was 47.22%, in cycle two post-test learning completeness reached 100%, (3) the percentage of learning outcomes in the affective domain has an average increase of 10.50% from cycle 1 77.41% to 87.91% in cycle 2, (4) the percentage increase in the average learning outcomes in the psychomotor domain is equal to 24.51%, namely from cycle 1 60.78% increased in cycle 2 to 85.29%.


His work is supported by SMK Negeri 3 Malang to answer the design of effective learning methods during the Covid-19 pandemic. I want to thank those who have supported the creation of this discussion learning model, Helmy Bastian, SLBN Seduri Mojokerto, Yudit Perdananto as the Malang culture expert as a resource during the learning materials.


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