Published March 13, 2020 | Version v1
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Genital morphology differentiates three subspecies of the terrestrial slug Arion ater (Linnæus, 1758) s.l. and reveals a continuum of intermediates with the invasive A. vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855


Reise, Heike, Schwarzer, Anne-Katrin, Hutchinson, John M. C., Schlitt, Bettina (2020): Genital morphology differentiates three subspecies of the terrestrial slug Arion ater (Linnæus, 1758) s.l. and reveals a continuum of intermediates with the invasive A. vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855. Folia Malacologica 28 (1): 1-34, DOI: 10.12657/folmal.028.001, URL:



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