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Published July 21, 2020 | Version 0.9.10
Software Open

ruODK: An R Client for the ODK Central API

  • 1. Dept Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Western Australia


  • 1. rOpenSci




ruODK is an R client to access and parse data from ODK Central.

OpenDataKit (ODK) is free-and open-source software that helps millions of people collect data quickly, accurately, offline, and at scale. The software is in active use in every country in the world and is supported by a large and helpful community.

ruODK assumes some familiarity of its users with the ODK ecosystem and workflows. For a detailed overview, read the extensive ODK documentation and visit the friendly ODK forum.

ODK Central is a cloud-based data clearinghouse for digitally captured data, replacing the older software ODK Aggregate. ODK Central manages user accounts and permissions, stores form definitions, and allows data collection clients like ODK Collect to connect to it for form download and submission upload.

While this repository holds a snapshot of the package (both as source and binary), it is best practice to install the latest version of ruODK from GitHub by running `remotes::install_github('ropensci/ruODK@main', dependencies = TRUE, ask=FALSE, update=TRUE)`.



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