Published February 15, 2016 | Version v1
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Object-oriented Packet Caching for ICN

  • 1. Mobile Multimedia Laboratory, Department of Informatics, School of Information Sciences and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business


One of the most discussed features offered by Information-centric Networking (ICN) architectures is the ability to support packet-level caching at every node in the network. By
individually naming each packet, ICN allows routers to turn
their queueing buffers into packet caches, thus exploiting the
network’s existing storage resources. However, the performance of packet caching at commodity routers is restricted
by the small capacity of their SRAM, which holds the index for the packets stored at the, slower, DRAM. We therefore propose Object-oriented Packet Caching (OPC), a novel
caching scheme that overcomes the SRAM bottleneck, by
combining object-level indexing in the SRAM with packet-
level storage in the DRAM. We implemented OPC and experimentally evaluated it over various cache placement policies, showing that it can enhance the impact of ICN packet-level caching, reducing both network and server load.




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