FIG. 1 in The threatened edible yams of the Dioscorea sambiranensis R.Knuth species complex (Dioscoreaceae): a new species and subspecies
FIG. 1. — Vegetative and reproductive (excluding female floral) morphology in Dioscorea buckleyana Wilkin: A, habit, showing a node, the petiole, upper and lower leaf surfaces and an infructescence; B, detail of a node and petiole, showing the undulate petiole wing and lateral nodal flange; C, a node with an axillary male inflorescence; D, a cymule (appearing to be one cymule above another due to very short cymule branches) showing the cymule bract, floral bracts and pedicels; E, male flower with two tepals and two stamens removed showing the torus, remaining stamens and pistillode; F, intact male flower viewed from above; G, seed and seed wing; H, capsule showing exocarp extending beyond thickened endocarp margin on each wing giving an appearance like a submarginal vein; I, apical region of current and previous growing season tuber and stem base. Drawn from Veyret 1301 (A, C, D), Humbert 19119 (E-H) and photographs of Hladik 6820 and 6821 (B, I) by Lucy Smith. Scale bar: A-C, 2.5 cm; D, 3.3 mm; E, F, 1.2 mm; G, H, 1.5 cm; I, 4 cm.
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