Published December 16, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 5.1 Position paper on lessons learned to adjust D4.3

  • 1. Work package Leader


As the end of FIT4FOOD2030 draws near, the purpose of deliverable 5.1 is to examine how Responsible Research and Innovation principles can be effectively applied to achieve food systems transformation, taking into account the lessons learned in the project, particularly in the project’s City, Food and Policy Labs. In doing so it builds on deliverable 4.3, a position paper on adapting R&I policies to achieve future- proof food systems by implementing RRI principles. D4.3 was submitted in M17, around the half-way mark of the project. Exploring and developing on the central concepts of FIT4FOOD2030, it was based on already existing research and sources, as well as work that was carried out during the first part of the project in Work Packages 2, 3 and 4. The activities to try and implement the main aims of FIT4FOOD2030 in practice, namely increasing the impact of R&I on the transformation of food systems through RRI, have taken place in the Labs. Therefore, it was foreseen that a second position paper would look at the application of RRI for food systems transformation again at the end of the project, taking into account the real world experiences of the Labs; the current deliverable.

Gill, M., J., Cahill, J., Callenius, C., Caron, P., Damianova, Z.,Gurinovic, M. A., Lang, T., Laperrière, A., Lähteenmäki, L., Mango, C., Muilwijk, H., Sonnino, R., Verburg G., Brierley, C., Paca, C., Kok, K.P.W., den Boer, A.C.L., Regeer, B.J., Broerse, J. E. W. (2020). Governance of research to accelerate innovation, deliver transformation and demonstrate flexibility at the time of shocks. Published by FIT4FOOD2030,


FIT4FOOD2030_ D5.1_Position paper on lessons learned to adjust D4.3.pdf

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FIT4FOOD2030 – Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030 774088
European Commission