Published June 1, 2020 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D8.3.1 - Dissemination, Communication & Stakeholders Engagement Plan


The Dissemination, Communication & Stakeholders Engagement plan of TheFSM aims to give a general
scope of the activities that will be undertaken during the project lifetime, as well as the way in which
they will serve to make the project results available to the identified target groups. The document goes
through the strategy that will be followed by the consortium to communicate the project’s objectives.
This will be performed through a variety of dissemination channels, such as the project’s website and
social media as well as a set of public activities and events. For that purpose, specific materials and tools
will be used by the project partners. Moreover, the responsibilities of each consortium partner are
extensively analyzed in tandem with the key performance indicators that will be used to assess the
effectiveness of each performed action.
The document is structured as follows: Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to the deliverable whereas
chapter 2 references the dissemination and exploitation KPIs that TheFSM consortium should address.
Chapter 3 provides an overview of the dissemination strategy, which is based on a series of layers and
actions, and chapter 4 includes an overview of the digital dissemination channels of TheFSM. Chapter
5 briefly refers to the offline dissemination channels and events and chapter 6 includes the foreseen
activities in terms of engagement with SMEs. Chapter 7 presents the plan for the dissemination tools
and material that will be prepared during the lifetime of the project, and finally chapter 8 concludes
with collaborations with other initiatives.


TheFSM D8.3 Dissemination, Communication & Stakeholders Engagement Final_Submitted_2020.06.01.pdf