There is a newer version of the record available.

Published March 10, 2021 | Version v1.5.1-rc5
Software Open

devsim/devsim: v1.5.1-rc5

  • 1. @devsim
  • 2. Holokinesis Libros


Version 1.5.1-rc5 Math Functions

The following inverse functions and their derivatives are now available in the model interpreter.

  • erf_inv Inverse Error Function
  • erfc_inv Inverse Complimentary Error Function
  • derf_invdx Derivative of Inverse Error Function
  • derfc_invdx Derivative of Complimentary Inverse Error Function

The Gauss-Fermi Integral, using Paasch's equations are now implemented.

  • gfi Gauss-Fermi Integral
  • dgfidx Derivative of Gauss-Fermi Integral
  • igfi Inverse Gauss-Fermi Integral
  • digfidx Derivative of Inverse Gauss-Fermi Integral

Each of these functions take two arguments, zeta and s. The derivatives with respect to the first argument are provided. Please see testing/ for an example.

In extended precision mode, the following functions are now evaluated with full extended precision.

  • Fermi
  • dFermidx
  • InvFermi
  • dInvFermidx

The following double precision tests:

  • testing/ Fermi Integral Test
  • testing/ Gauss Fermi Integral Test

Have extended precision variants:

  • testing/
  • testing/
Installation Script

A new installation script is in the base directory of the package. It provides instructions of completing the installation to the python environment without having to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable. It notifies the user of missing components to finish the installation within an Anaconda or Miniconda environment.

To use the script, use the following command inside of the devsim directory.


The install script will write a file named lib/, which can be used to complete the installation using pip. The script provides instructions for the installation and deinstallation of devsim.

    INFO: Writing
    INFO: Please type the following command to install devsim:
    INFO: pip install -e lib
    INFO: To remove the file, type:
    INFO: pip uninstall devsim



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