Data for In vivo structural MRI-based atlas of human thalamic nuclei
- 1. University of Arizona
- 2. UCLA
- 3. Université de Bordeaux
- 4. Stanford University
This version uses only control data (as opposed to a mix of control and MS data) in Version 2.0 to create the atlas.
Data for the above titled paper being submitted to Scientific Data.
MNI space (152 asymmetric 09b)
MNI_MaxProb_Left.nii.gz and MNI_MaxProb_Right.nii.gz are the maximum probability (deterministic) thalamic nuclei atlas in MNI space.
MNI_VIM_Left and MNI_VIM_Right are VIM nuclei (ventral part of VLP in Morel notation) in MNI space
Note crop_mni_t1.nii.gz is the thalamus cropped MNI atlas provided to users for reference
Custom template space
Customtemplate.nii.gz - full size WMn MPRAGE custom (mean brain) template of 20 subjects (11 MS 9 healthy)
CustomWMN_MaxProb_Left.nii.gz and CustomWMN_MaxProb_Right.nii.gz are the maximum probability (deterministic) thalamic nuclei atlas in custom template space for left and right thalamus
CustomWMN_SpatialProbMap4D.nii.gz is the spatial probability map in custom template space for each of the 11 left and 11 right nuclei (4th dimension). See SpatialProbMap_descr.txt for the order and names of the nuclei
CustomWMN_VIM_Left and CustomWMN_VIM_Right are VIM nuclei (ventral part of VLP in Morel notation) in custom template space
CustomAtlas.ctbl is a color table file that can be used to standardize colors (read by Slicer,fsleyes etc). It also maps the labels to nuclei names (e.g. 2-AV 4-VA.... 14-MTT). For this atlas, only 2-14 are used.
atlasseg is a tcsh script that can be used to segment your T1 data (see Notes below or atlas_README.txt for usage)
Remaining files are used for atlas based segmentation (cropped custom template, mask used to crop the template etc) and is to changed the script output to full size
testdata.tgz is a set of 5 test cases (subset of what was used for testing the atlas). Details inside in the README file.
Copyright Manojkumar Saranathan 2020, 2021
For research use only and not for clinical use.