Published March 5, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

New anatomical and biogeographical data on Solenogastres Cavibelonia from the Galician Continental Margin (NW Spain)

  • 1. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


The present paper reports on new records of Solenogastres of the Order Cavibelonia from the Galician Continental Margin (NW Spain). New bathymetrical and geographical data, together with morphological and anatomical observations, are provided for five already known species: Luitfriedia minuta, Unciherpia hirsuta and Urgorria compostelana, all of them originally described from Galicia (NW Spain); Anamenia gorgonophila, previously found in several localities of the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic, including the Galician bottoms; and Rhopalomenia glandulosa, which had been reported so far only from its type locality (Rockall Basin, NW Scotland). Furthermore, a revision of a specimen of R. glandulosa from Cape Peñas (N Spain), previously identified as Rhopalomenia aglaopheniae, is given



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