There is a newer version of the record available.

Published March 3, 2021 | Version v0.4
Software Open

LSDtopotools/LSDTopoTools2: LSDTopoTools2 v0.4

  • 1. University of Edinburgh
  • 2. Durham University
  • 3. Queen Mary University of London
  • 4. GFZ - Potsdam
  • 5. University of Glasgow
  • 6. British Geological Survey
  • 7. University of Minnesota, Department of Earth Science
  • 8. University of Colorado


This release

  • Fixes a bug in the geojson printing that caused later versions of QGIS to reject the geojson files.
  • Includes much more functionality on the hillslope flow routing routines including better coverage of the ridgetops, easier selections of basins and lower memory use
  • Adds a swath mapping tool that does not depend on the point cloud library (meaning that the terrace and floodplain code may become available here in the next release).
  • And some other minor bug fixes and efficiencies.



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UK Research and Innovation
Predicting the distribution of major debris flow hazard using coupled 10Be erosion records and 1m resolution digital topography NE/J012750/1
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Climate History Controls Future Landslide Hazard NE/J009970/1
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European Commission
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European Commission
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