Published March 2, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A emergência de construções causativas perifrásticas em Nheengatu do século XIX // The emergence of periphrastic causative constructions in 19th century Nheengatu

  • 1. Universidade Federal de Goiás


Nheengatu, also known as Amazonian Lingua Geral, is a Tupinambá language (Tupi-Guarani branch, subgroup III) heavily influenced by linguistic contact. This article aims to analyze causative constructions in the nineteenth century Nheengatu, based on the narratives recorded by Barbosa Rodrigues (1890). We also present an investigation of causatives in three historical moments: (a) the sixteenth-century Tupinambá (Rodrigues 1953); (b) the nineteenth-century Nheengatu; and (c) the twenty-first century Nheengatu (Da Cruz 2011). As a result, it was observed that in the nineteenth century Nheengatu, there were three causative constructions: one with the causative prefix, one with a causative suffix, and a peripheral construction. The two morphological constructions are conservative forms, also found in Tupinambá. Therefore, the peripheral causative construction is an innovation, which emerged from the contact between Nheengatu and Brazilian Portuguese varieties.



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