Published March 31, 2021 | Version v1
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Challenges Skilled Migrants Face in Accessing Their Previous Vocation in a New Country

  • 1. Stockholm University
  • 1. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Education
  • 2. Bern University of Teacher Education, Institute for Research, Development and Evaluation


The purpose of this short paper is to introduce factors that can facilitate or hinder skilled migrants’ access to their previous vocation. The approach employed was based on the literature review and some preliminary interviews with the skilled migrants. The results indicate that the factors are located on different levels, there are individual, organisational and societal factors, which interplay with each other. In addition, the factors have dual nature, they can both facilitate and/or hinder access to vocations. Interviewees have experienced several pathways to their vocation and to the labour market in Sweden. Some have chosen another vocation and some have continued their studies to become vocational teachers in their area. To face challenges and to support skilled migrants’ access to their previous vocation and to the labour market, actions are needed on different levels.


Teräs, M., Eliasson, E., & Osman, A. (2021).pdf

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