Effects of flares on solar acoustic mode amplitudes
- 1. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
- 2. Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France
- 3. Laboratoire Cogitamus, www.cogitamus.fr, France
We look for the effect of flares on the amplitude of acoustic modes mainly during the period of high solar activity in Cycle 24 (June 2012 to August 2016) using the ring-diagram analysis technique with data observed in five-degree regions of SDO/HMI. Statistical analyses helps to separate out other effects, such as the projection of the line of sight as a region moves across the solar disk and the presence of strong magnetic fields, on the mode amplitudes during the flare.
The rapid progress of asteroseismology and the study of stellar flares makes the study of these phenomena in the Sun important to inform our study of the influence of the more energetic stellar flares on asteroseismic waves.
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