Published February 25, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bellulia diannana Han & Kononenko 2021, sp. n.

  • 1. School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, China. E-mail: hanhuilin @ aliyun. com & Key Laboratory of Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management-Ministry of Education, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, 150040, China.
  • 2. Laboratory of Entomology, Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok- 22, 690022, Russia.


Bellulia diannana sp. n.

(Figs 15, 30)

Type materials. Holotype: male, Cambodia, Kep, 11.ii.2015, Y.S. Bae et al., genit. prep. hhl-3538-1, coll. INU. Pratypes: Cambodia: 1 male, Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, 1.vii.2011, Y.S. Bae et al.; 1 male, Kep, 16-17.vii.2012, Y.S. Bae et al.; 3 males, Kep, 19.viii.2013, Y.S. Bae et al.; 1 male, Kep, 5.ii.2014, Y.S. Bae et al.; 3 males, Kohkong, 7.ii.2014, 9.ii.2015, Y.S. Bae et al.; China: 1 male, Prov. Yunnan, Simao, Manxieba, 22.vii.2012, H.L. Han, X.X. Jin & H. Geng.

Diagnosis. Externally this species is similar to B. suffusa (Fig. 12), but differs from in the light greyish-brown ground colour of the forewing (in B. suffusa it is dark); the basal line is distinct (in B. suffusa it is indistinct); antemedial line distinct (in B. suffusa - distinct); the space between inner and outer bordering lines of the postmedial line is only little darker than the ground colour (in B. suffusa it is greyish); the reniform spot is small (in B. suffusa it is much larger and outlined with black). The male genitalia structure B. diannana (Fig. 30) is close to B. suffusa and B. fuscis (Fig. 29), but differs by in its broader tegumen (in B. suffusa and B. fuscis the tegumen is narrow); fused withto the fultura superior with prominent processes that are not furcate (in B. suffusa and B. fuscis the right process is furcate); the juxta is ovoid, with a walnut-shaped circle opening in the center (in B. suffusa and B. fuscis the opening is circular); the ampullae are larger than in B. fuscis; aedeagus bears a small and triangular horn at the apex (not present in either B. suffusa or B. fuscis); the vesica bears seven tiny cornuti of varying size (B. suffusa and B. fuscis each have five similarly sized cornuti).

Discription. Adult (Fig. 15). Wingspan 11.5-13.2 mm. Head, thorax and abdomen yellowish brown. Forewing pale yellowish brown, with black and dark-brown scaling; basal line black, arched, distinct, broader near costal margin; antemedial line double, arched, its inner bordering line ochreous brown, slender, outer bordering line black to blackish-brown, broader between costal and inner veins of discal cell, otherwise slender; postmedial line black, double, waved, distinct, fused to broad patch in costal area; subterminal line double, slightly waved, its inner line thin, present as only as small dot at costal margin; otherwise somewhat darker than ground colour, outer line broad and black between costa and M2, otherwise indistinct; terminal line black; fringe same as ground colour; reniform spot small, whitish yellow. Hindwing greyish brown, darker than forewing; discal spot tinged with dark, indistinct; outer wing margin weakly incurved at M2; fringe lighter than ground colour, greyish-yellow at base.

Male genitalia (Fig. 30). Tegumen narrow, 5/4 as long as vinculum; its ventral part fused to fultura superior with prominent, log-shaped, curved processes on each side, left process longer than righttapered apically, right process scraping knife shape, apically sharp, triangular prism-shape basally. Vinculum thick, broad, V shaped. Saccus broad, V-shaped. Juxta ovoid, sclerotized, with walnut-shape rounded opening in center. Valva broad, slightly asymmetrical; sacculus weakly asymmetrical, right sacculus somewhat shorter and broader than left, 2/3 as long as valva, broader than base of valva, left sacculus same width as basae of valva; ampullae slightly asymmetrical, rounded, covered with heavy setae, right ampullae slightly larger than left; costa thick and arched, thinner in right valva than in left. Aedeagus with coecum 1/4 as long as aedeagus, sclerotized, strongly curved in posteriorly, with a small and triangular horn at apex; ductus ejaculatorius swollen; vesica with seven tiny variously sized medial cornuti.

Female genitalia. Female unknown.

Etymology. The species name is the combination of two Chinese words, it refers to Yunnan Province which is called “Dian” for shortness in Chinese, and South which called “ Nan ”. The name indicates South of Yunnan.

Distribution. China (Prov. Yunnan); Cambodia (Prov. Kep and Prov. Kohkong).


Published as part of Han, Hui Lin & Kononenko, Vladimir S., 2021, Six new species of the genus Bellulia Fibiger, 2008 from China and Cambodia (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Hypenodinae). Taxonomic study of Micronoctuini Contribution III, pp. 117-130 in Zootaxa 4938 (1) on pages 128-129, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4938.1.6,


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Event date
Scientific name authorship
Han & Kononenko
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Bellulia diannana Han & Kononenko, 2021