Published February 22, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Elliptera mongolica Podeniene, Podenas & Gelhaus, sp. nov.

  • 1. Life Sciences Centre of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7 LT- 10222 Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 2. Life Sciences Centre of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7 LT- 10222 Vilnius, Lithuania. & Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 3. Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea.
  • 4. Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, B. Franklin Parkway 1900, Philadelphia, USA.


Elliptera mongolica Podeniene, Podenas & Gelhaus sp. nov. 8ACB969A-DE45-451C-A8CB-27E4A82788CD

Figs 2–5


Body length reaching up to 14.5 mm. Head capsule heavily sclerotized. Hypostoma with nine teeth. Abdominal segments II–VII with dorsal and ventral creeping welts. Spiracular disc surrounded by four lobes, with lateral pair of lobes almost entirely sclerotized.


The specific epithet is a noun ‘mongol’ with Latin suffix ‘ica’, referring to the distribution of the new species.

Type material

Holotype MONGOLIA • larva (in alcohol); Tov Aimag, Mongonmorit Soum, Zuun Baydlag Gol, downstream, 15 km SW of Mongonmorit; 48°06.49′ N, 108°22.04′ E; 1475 m a.s.l.; 14 Jul. 2011; V. Podeniene leg.; MAIS #2011071402; ANSP-ENT-146962.

Paratypes MONGOLIA • 22 larvae (in alcohol); same collection data as for preceding; GenBank: MT233411; ANSP.

CHINA • 11 larvae (in alcohol); Inner Mongolia, Chifeng, Bailin Youqi, Sai Hanwula Reserve; 44°15.06′ N, 118°19.54′ E; 1165 m a.s.l.; 10 Jul. 2018; V. Podeniene leg; Shenyang Agricultural University; GenBank: MT233412; ANSP.



MEASUREMENTS. Length 11.6–14.5 mm, width 1.7–2.0 mm.

BODY. Cylindrical, dark brown, hairs on dorsal and ventral sides darker than on lateral side. Abdominal segments II–VII divided into anterior and posterior parts, anterior part with dorsal and ventral creeping welts (Fig. 2 A–C). Creeping welts with dark brown spines, arranged into transverse rows. All thoracic and abdominal segments I–II shorter than wider. Abdominal segments III–VIII approximately as long as wide. Pale circular area present on dorsum of all segments except the prothorax (Fig. 2B).

HEAD. Length 1.20–1.25 mm, width 1.10–1.20 mm. Head capsule oval, heavily sclerotized and slightly reduced (Fig. 2D). Frontal suture absent, dorsal suture reaching to about the middle of head capsule (Fig. 2D), hypostoma complete (Fig. 2I). Labrum wide with numerous sensory structures: short seta, middle-long seta and three sensory pegs in the middle of anterior part (Fig. 2E). A narrow sclerotized band situated anterior to sensory structures. Anterior part and sides of labrum as well as epipharynx covered with numerous short hairs. Clypeus fused with labrum and bears wide sclerotized plate anteriorly (Fig. 2E). Frons separated from clypeus and fused with internolateralia, which are considerably shorter than externolateralia; four long setae located on each side of the anterior margin of frons, one seta below the base of antenna, a pair of sensory pits in the middle of anterior part, caudal end of fronsinternolateralia very wide and arched (Fig. 2 D–E). Basal antennomere cylindrical, more than twice as long as wide, with two long setae and a few very short sensory structures apically; apical segment short, cylindrical; sensory pit located at the base of basal segment (Fig. 2E). Mandible conus-shaped, with two large apical teeth, both similar in shape and size (Fig. 2F), first ventral tooth triangular, second ventral and basal teeth blunt; single well developed sharp tooth on dorsal side; two long setae at the base of mandible (on outer margin). Maxilla well developed (Fig. 2G); outer lobe (stipes) and inner lobe (galea fused with lacinia) large and similar in size. Outer lobe: two-thirds sclerotized, apical part and outer margin covered by long setae; button shaped apical papilla with sensory structures on the apex and small papilla next to it. Inner lobe: basal part sclerotized; long and short sensory papillae on apical part; apical part and inner margin covered with short setae. Cardo large, wedge shaped with sensory pit near outer margin of sclerite. Hypopharynx arched, sclerotized and toothless. Prementum dentated (four large teeth in the middle and two small similar in size teeth on both sides) (Fig. 2H). Hypostoma with nine anterior teeth, the middle tooth most prominent (Fig. 2I).

ANAL DIVISION. Spiracular field surrounded by four lobes, ventral lobe twice as long as lateral lobe (Fig. 3 A–B). Lateral lobe as long as wide, almost entirely sclerotized except the middle part, three medium-long setae located along the outer margin of lobe. Ventral lobe twice as long as wide at the base with dark U–shaped sclerite, ventral branch of each lobe fused with its opposing sclerite to form continuous line. Dark spot situated at base of each lobe below spiracle (missing in some specimens). Two long setae and one medium-long seta located at the apical part of lobe; one medium-long seta on the outer margin of lobe. A pair of sensory pit located on dorsal margin of spiracular field. Spiracular field fringed with long firm setae, longest around the apical part of each lobe. Spiracles large, oblong, placed obliquely and inclined dorsally (Fig. 3 A–B). Anal field consists of two pairs of conical, white, fleshy anal papillae (Fig. 2C).

Pupal and adult stages unknown.


Larvae were found on accumulated mud on river boulders in Mongolia (Fig. 4). Larvae in China were found on accumulated mud on spring boulders. Some of them (in both localities) made cases from mosses (Fig. 5).


Currently known only from Mongolia and Inner Mongolia (China).


Published as part of Podeniene, Virginija, Podenas, Sigitas, Park, Sun-Jae, Kim, A-Young, Kim, Jung A & Gelhaus, Jon K., 2021, Review of East Palaearctic Elliptera (Diptera, Limoniidae) immatures with description of a new species, pp. 110-132 in European Journal of Taxonomy 735 on pages 115-116, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.735.1245,


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Collection code
Event date
2011-07-14 , 2018-07-10
Material sample ID
Scientific name authorship
Podeniene, Podenas & Gelhaus
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
2011-07-14 , 2018-07-10
Taxonomic concept label
Elliptera mongolica Podeniene, Podenas & Gelhaus, 2021