Published March 2, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Cav3.2+/+ Mouse #38 CA1 EEG recording

  • 1. Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, BfArM, Bonn)


A Cav3.2+/+ mouse (internal #38) was implanted with an intrahippocampal electrode for electrohippocampal CA1 EEG recordings. The differential electrode of the TA10ETA-F20 transmitter (Data Science International, DSI, USA, technical specifications: weight 3.9 g, volume 1.9 cc, input voltage range ± 2.5 mV, channel bandwidth (B) 1–200 Hz, nominal sampling rate (f) 1000 Hz (f = 5 B), temperature operating range 34–41 °C) was positioned at the following stereotaxic coordinates: (+)-lead, caudal − 2 mm, lateral of bregma 1.5 mm (right hemisphere), and dorsoventral (depth) 1.5 mm. The epidural reference electrode was positioned on the surface of the cerebellar cortex at the following stereotaxic coordinates: (−)-lead, bregma − 6 mm and lateral of bregma 1 mm (right
hemisphere). The deep tungsten electrodes (FHC, USA) are encapsuled with epoxylite with an
impedance of 50–100 kΩ (measured at 1000 Hz) and a shank diameter of 250 μm. For further details on the Cav3.2 mouse model, animal experimentation approval, anaesthesia, transmitter insertion, stereotaxic electrode implantation, postoperative pain management and recovery, please refer to Arshaad MI et al., 2021. 

EEG data were exported to NeuroScore 3.2.9306-1 (Data Sciences International, DSI, USA). As the NeuroScore file format does not allow free access to the data, we have exported the raw EEG data as asci.-files, so that they can easily be imported in secondary analysis software. Importantly, the exported EEG data represent raw EEG data. No filtering, no artefact detection and/or artefact removal have been carried out. Thus, it is the users responsibility to adequately pretreat the data before further processing and analysis. As described in Arshaad MI et al. (2021), filtering, artefact detection and removal was carried out using NeuroScore before further analysis.

The EEG data are presented here as a zip-folder for size reasons. Four EEG recordings are exported: R1 (a first 24h long-term EEG recording 10 days post transmitter implantation), R2 (a second 24h long-term recording 17 days post transmitter implantation), U1 (a 6h EEG recording following the first urethane injection (800 mg/kg i.p.) at day 18 post transmitter implantation), U2 (a 6h EEG recording  after a second urethane injection (800 mg/kg i.p.) at day 25 post transmitter implantation). In addition, relative activity values are exported for all four recordings. For details on the recording procedure, please refer to Arshaad MI et al. (2021). 



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  • Enhanced hippocampal type II theta activity aND altered theta architecture in mice lacking the Cav3.2 T-type voltage-gated calcium channel. Arshaad MI, Siwek ME, Henseler C, Daubner J, Ehninger D, Hescheler J, Sachinidis A, Broich K, Papazoglou A, Weiergräber M. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 13;11(1):1099. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79763-4.