Published February 20, 2021 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

qdgc Bangladesh


DGC tables delivered in geopackage file
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QDGC represents a way of making (almost) equal area squares covering a specific area to represent specific qualities of the area covered. The squares themselves are based on the degree squares covering earth. Around the equator we have 360 longitudinal lines , and from the north to the south pole we have 180 latitudinal lines. Together this gives us 64800 segments or tiles covering earth.

Within each geopackage file you will find a number of tables with these names:

The attributes for each table are:
qdgc Unique Quarter Degree Grid Cell reference string
level_qdgc QDGC level
cellsize degrees decimal degree for the longitudal and latitudal length of the cell
lon_center Longitude center of the cell
lat_center Latitudal center of the cell
area_km2 Calculated area for the cell
geom Geometry

Geodata GCS_WGS_1984
Datum: D_WGS_1984
Prime Meridian: 0

Areas are calculated with different versions of Albers Equal Area Conic using the PostGIS function st_area. For the African continent I have used Africa Albers Equal Area Conic which will look like this:
- st_area(st_transform(geom, 102022))/1000000)

Delivered to the user as-is. No guarantees. If you find errors, please tell me and I will try to fix it. Suggestions for improvements can be addressed to the github repository:

The work has over the years been supported and received advice and moral support from many organisations and stakeholders. Here are some of them:
- Dept of Biology, NTNU, Norway
- Norwegian Environment Agency
- Eivin Røskaft, Steven Prager, Howard Frederick, Julian Blanc, Honori Maliti, Paul Ramsey



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