Published February 20, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

NESTORE D6.1 NESTORE Platform Requirements

  • 1. Politecnico di Milano
  • 2. Ropardo


This documents aims at investigating, analyzing and describing the requirements for NESTORE platform, deriving from the monitoring requirements defined in WP2 and the related sensors and ecosystem.
The requirements definition also integrates the analysis of the stakeholders’ desiderata gathered in WP2 and involved ICT developers, in order to understand which (or how to compute/extract) variables, features and technologies are needed to build the personalized monitoring and interactive coaching system that the NESTORE platform should develop and implement.
Ideal functional requirements are defined by WP2 taking into account the ageing process, while WP7 contribute with the user’s point of view and refine requirements according to a co-design methodology. In this deliverable, requirements are prioritized and a set of technical features are derived accordingly.
This document also aims at reporting the NESTORE requirements from the point of view of data, specifically in relation to security and privacy issues. In it, we faced data security describing problems and solution in order to ensure sensible data safety and confidentiality. Furthermore, the last part of this deliverable is an overview of privacy problem with a description of the requirements for the new EU General Data Protection Regulation, entering into force in the coming may 2018.
This document is the input to other WP6 tasks for the definition of architecture, communication interfaces and integration. Deliverable D6.2 and D6.3 will validate these requirements and will define how these specifications would be developed and implemented into the NESTORE platform.
The following chapters will describe the requirements from two different points of view: functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements are all the features, directly related to the users, and which are composed of the monitoring system, the decision support system and the virtual coach. The non-functional requirements are strictly related to platform acceptability and reliability and consists of usability, wearability, security and privacy requirements.


D6.1 Nestore Platform Requirements V2.0FINAL.pdf

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NESTORE – Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities 769643
European Commission