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Published February 17, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Optimal cut-off points for adherence measure among patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care clinics: a retrospective analysis

  • 1. Institute for Clinical Research, National Institutes of Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  • 2. Public Health Development Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia


Background Medication adherence measures are often dichotomized to classify patients into those with good or poor adherence using a cut-off value ⩾80%, but this cut-off may not be universal across diseases or medication classes. This study aimed to examine the cut-off value that optimally distinguish good and poor adherence by using the medication possession ratio (MPR) and proportion of days covered (PDC) as adherence measures and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) as outcome measure among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients.

Method We used pharmacy dispensing data of 1461 eligible T2DM patients from public primary care clinics in Malaysia treated with oral antidiabetic drugs between January 2018 and May 2019. Adherence rates were calculated during the period preceding the HbA1c measurement. Adherence cut-off values for the following conditions were compared: adherence measure (MPR versus PDC), assessment period (90-day versus 180-day), and HbA1c target (⩽7.0% versus ⩽8.0%).

Results The optimal adherence cut-offs for MPR and PDC in predicting HbA1c⩽7.0% ranged between 86.1% and 98.3% across the two assessment periods. In predicting HbA1c⩽8.0%, the optimal adherence cut-offs ranged from 86.1% to 92.8%. The cut-off value was notably higher with PDC as the adherence measure, shorter assessment period, and a stricter HbA1c target (⩽7.0%) as outcome.

Conclusion We found that optimal adherence cut-off appeared to be slightly higher than the conventional value of 80%. The adherence thresholds may vary depending on the length of assessment period and outcome definition but a reasonably wise cut-off to distingu


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