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Published February 17, 2021 | Version v1.7.0
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jonathanlilly/jLab: jLab v1.7.0


Changes new in version 1.7.0

Code in support of three new publications, see JLAB_MAKEFIGS:

Lilly and Perez-Brunius (2021b). Extracting statistically significant eddy signals from large Lagrangian datasets, with application to the Gulf of Mexico. In review at Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics.

Lilly and Perez-Brunius (2021a). A gridded surface current product for the Gulf of Mexico from consolidated drifter measurements.
In press at Earth Science System Data.

Lilly, J. M. and S. Elipot (2021). A unifying perspective on transfer function solutions to the unsteady Ekman problem. Fluids, 6 (2): 85, 1--36.

Major new functions for Ekman theory and for Lagrangian eddy analysis:

windtrans - Ekman-like transfer-functions for the wind-driven response. eddyridges - Coherent eddy ridges from Lagrangian trajectories.
noisedrifters - Create a noise Lagrangian dataset matching mean and variance. eddylevels - Eddy ridge significance levels using the survival function. griddrifters - Average drifter velocities onto a space/time 3D grid.

Other new functions:

spheretrans - Wavelet transform for oscillations on the surface of a sphere. ridgemult - Ridge multiplicity, the number of simultaneous ridges present. catstruct - Concatenates the array elements of a cell array of structures. structindex - Applies an index to all array-valued fields in a structure. mconf - Confidence intervals for the multitaper spectral estimate. chisquared - The chi-squared distribution. eddyfit2d - Least squares fit of 2D velocity data to an eddy profile. simpleddy - Streamfunction, velocity, and vorticity for various eddy profiles. monthstats - Mean month and standard deviation using circular statistics. jhanning - Hanning window. celldot - Dot product for arrays of column vectors. haxby - The Haxby colormap.
seminfhaxby - The seminf-Haxby colormap.

Updated datasets:

JTOPO global topography is now at 1/12th resolution.

Changes and improvements:

SLEPTAP vast speed improvements for handling multiple time series. LINECOLOR bugfixes. PRINTALL organization improvement and bugfix for R2020a. MATERNFIT now includes an option to average over ensemble members. MATERNFIT, MATERNSPEC, MATERNCOV, and MATERNOISE refactoring, support for new extensions of the Matern process, support real-valued as well as complex-valued processes, and input argument changes. MSPEC now uses two-sided, not one-sided, normalization for real data. POLYSMOOTH considerable speed improvements. SPHERESORT and TWODSORT improvements and major change to output format. SPHERELAP now computes all the terms in the Hessian matrix. AB2KL bugfix for B=0. READTOPO bugfixes when using interpolation option. PERIODINDEX new, faster algorithm based on ridge age. VMOMENT bugfix affecting all odd moments. LETTERLABELS bugfix to avoid legend handles, if present. CELLPACK functionality change to key off of the first input argument. VSTD redefined for complex-valued arguments. YEARFRAC bugfix for NUM consisting of a ND array. ELLROSSBY new definition of Rossby number based on inferred vorticity. TRAJEXTRACT and POLYSMOOTH bugfixes for sample figures. TWODSTATS and TWODMED fixed sample figures. LINECOLOR can now take either a colormap matrix or a name as input. NCLOAD can now handle filenames including hyphens '-'. NCLOAD now supports cell conversion for the 'trajectory' feature type. NCLOAD now converts all non-double numeric variables into doubles. NCLOAD is now self-contained.



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