Published July 31, 2020 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Open

BigDataGrapes D3.1 - Data Modelling and Linking Components

  • 1. Sirma AI


WP3 Data & Semantics Layer is a core WP of the project. Within this WP3, task T3.1 Data Modelling over Big Data Infrastructures has the following objectives:

● Explore partner data;

● Define competence questions that the data should be able to answer;

● Study relevant AgroBio ontologies;

● Define semantic modelling principles and specific models;

● Study user (researcher) requirements for discovering ontologies, mapping data, aligning data, etc.;

● Implement or adopt tools for these requirements.

The document has the following structure:

● Chapter 1 Introduction describes fundamental AgroBio data (observations and measurements), outlines the ontological representation of measurements, mentions possible alternatives (e.g. following existing AgroBio patterns vs using the W3C CUBE ontology), describes the steps of semantic data integration, and provides links to consortium resources related to the task.

● Chapter 2 Chosen OntologiesLists the 3 ontologies chosens to form the core of the BDG Semantic Data model

● Chapter 3 Specific Project Data discusses how we adapt the BDG data model to the specifics of the tasks at hand and how we adapt the vast and heterogeneous datasets from the consortium to the harmonized model. We present the data processing requirements and data access requirements based on the quasi-totality of the data collected in the project. We also present several use-cases where particular data issues specific to the project are addressed on a fine-grained scale.

● Chapter 4 Conclusions provides conclusions and a bibliography.

Deliverable D3.1 Data Modelling and Linking Components had 3 iterations at M9, M21, M30. Тhis is the final version.


D3.1 Data Modelling and Linking Components_v3 (Submitted to EC).pdf

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BigDataGrapes – Big Data to Enable Global Disruption of the Grapevine-powered Industries 780751
European Commission