Published June 2, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.9 – FLEXCoop Framework architecture including functional, technical and communication specifications – final version


This deliverable describes in detail the design of the functional components of the FLEXCoop architecture. The interfaces of each component inside the framework as well as to external communication end points are the main focus of this document.
Each component is described in a separate subsection of Section 3. These subsections are divided into five topics to provide a complete picture on how these components are designed and how they interact. In each component, the programming language as well as the libraries and frameworks used are described based on experience and problem domain. Also, the corresponding deployment strategies are covered in the component sections. The last section gives a short summary of the development since D2.6 - FLEXCoop Framework Architecture including functional, technical and communication specifications.
As this is a follow up deliverable to D2.6 this document focuses on the changes since D2.6 and should be read with D2.6 at hand.


FLEXCoop-D2.9 Framework Architecture including functional, technical and communication Specifications - Final Version.pdf

Additional details


FLEXCoop – Democratizing energy markets through the introduction of innovative flexibility-based demand response tools and novel business and market models for energy cooperatives 773909
European Commission