Published February 16, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

Research software sustainability in the Netherlands: Current practices and recommendations

  • 1. SURF
  • 2. eScience Center
  • 3. NWO
  • 4. CWI
  • 5. eScience center
  • 6. HumanTotalCare
  • 7. DANS
  • 8. Amsterdam UMC
  • 9. VU
  • 10. TUDelft
  • 11. Universiteit Leiden
  • 12. Universiteit van Nijmegen
  • 13. Universiteit van Maastricht
  • 14. Universiteit van Leiden
  • 15. Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience Amsterdam
  • 16. Universiteit Twente


This LCRDM report presents a survey of current research software practices. We hope that the results will contribute to a profound discussion among all the stakeholders: what is needed in terms of policies and conditions to implement sustainable research software management in the Netherlands? Research software has a pivotal role in enabling reproducible research and open science. The findings and recommendations in this report are based on interviews with research staff experienced in software development as well as an exploratory review of existing national and international initiatives. Key topics in this report are academic recognition, necessary skills and relevant support


Research software sustainability in the Netherlands by LCRDM Jan 2021.pdf

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