Published February 16, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology, Bucharest
  • 2. Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest


Shabla region is located in NE Bulgaria and belongs from the tectonic point of view to the south-eastern part of the Moesian Platform. The study area covers parts of the eastern slope of the North Bulgarian arch, having the Bulgarian–Romanian border to the north, Cape Kaliakra to the south, Dobrich city to the west, and the Black Sea shelf to the east. Block faulting, horsts and grabens of different rank are the typical structural features. The crustal-scale Intramoesian Fault, considered to separate the Moesian Platform in two main compartments, reaches the Black Sea continental shelf in Shabla region, its path being ambiguously located on maps, as it does not outcrop. Analysis of regional seismicity data available from ROMPLUS Earthquake Catalogue and EMSC Earthquake Catalogue, integrated with available tectonic and geophysical data, as well as with geological, geomorphological and neotectonic field observations, offered the possibility to interpret W–E, NE–SW and NW–SE active fault systems within the study area and build the grounds for a much more comprehensive understanding of this region’s tectonics.


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